Prześlij zapytanie

Z jakim wyzwaniem się mierzysz? Wypełnij poniższy formularz. Wkrótce się do Ciebie odezwiemy.

Are you looking for a particular skill-set or type of consultant? Our network counts thousands of validated consultants with expert skills covering all areas of business and technology

  • Fill in the form

  • Receive 2-3 proposed consultants

  • Interview and meet the consultants

  • Select the consultant you prefer

The process is free of charge.

You will only pay for the services provided by the consultants you select and not for the process.


Poznaj nasz zespół

Mikael Subotowicz

Mikael Subotowicz
Dyrektor Generalny
+48 505 590 434
[email protected]

Dawid Paweowski

Dawid Pawłowski
Technical Service Delivery Manager
+48 451 070 352

Justyna Dyrda

Justyna Dyrda
Team Leader Onshore Market
+48 608 554 321